
Summary of available research 项目 for Summer 2024

The research project summaries presented here are representative of the work REU participants 会在365彩票在线过滤演出吗.  Students are encouraged to identify specific 项目 of interest during the application process, acceptance notifications will indicate the faculty mentor and general project the acceptance offer is relative to.  具体的 项目 students will complete during the summer may vary from these descriptions 随着研究方向和兴趣的发展.

Applications are accepted starting November 15, 2023! 在此申请:http://etap.nsf.gov/ 

Project 1: Quantitative imaging of supersonic projectiles 

教师指导:  Dr. 迈克尔Hargather,机械工程教授

Dr. M收集项目形象Refractive imaging techniques like schlieren and shadowgraphy are used to visualize shock waves and turbulent mixing in compressible flows.  Dr. 哈格尔的团队做到了 been developing and applying these techiques to the visualization and quantification 弹丸周围的密度场.  本项目将探讨定量 measurement of the density fields around supersonic projectiles of various shapes.  REU学生 will learn to set up schlieren imaging systems and to operate high-speed digital cameras to record images of projectiles in flight.  学生将表演 experiments to image different shaped projectiles, from cones to double cones to randomly-shaped objects launched at supersonic velocities from the NMT propellant driven gas gun system.  学生会 analyze the images using quantitative schlieren techniques to determine the density field around the projectile, which will be compared to theory and computational 分析.  研究 outcomes include developing the ability to perform high-speed schlieren imaging, set up precise electronic triggering of complex systems with multiple data recording methods, the ability to perform image processing and quantitative 使用MATLAB或Python进行分析.